Last week saw the historic vote in Ireland to repeal the 8th Amendment which guaranteed both the live of the mother and the unborn baby that she was carrying. Part of the argument for the repealing of the 8th Amendment was that it would create a more fair, more equal society. A society where women have freedom over their own bodies, a society where the Catholic church doesn't hold sway.
I mention this in passing only to set the context, yesterday's Times newspaper in Scotland carried the headline figures on abortion 12,212 abortions carried out in Scotland last year, 12,212 babies who never had the chance of life, 12,212 boys and girls with untold potential to bring joy and happiness who never got to take their first breath.
The most shocking statistic for me was the rise of mothers who already have children who have decided not to have any more children who become pregnant and then decide to have an abortion. This was the most heartbreaking paragraph I think I have ever read:
"In Scotland, as in England and Wales, we see that the women choosing to access services are increasingly those who already have children, who tend to be slightly older and who may feel that they have already completed their family. This is not a story of irresponsibility or failure to understand what having a child would mean; this is about women who are making a grown up decisions about the shape and size of their family." (Times Wednesday 30th May 2018)
Here it is in all its reality this is not about creating a more liberal, more tolerant society this is about using abortion as a contraceptive, this is about people who decide that they dont want another baby. To me this breaks my heart, when we move away from God we become not a more caring society we become less caring.
We become a society wherein it is ok to abort an unborn baby because we dont want her, by all means have abortion on tap if you want but lets call it what it is, lets call it a convenience, lets call it a contraceptive but please dont dress it up as a liberalisation, dont dress it up as helping the weak and the vulnerable in society..because it plainly isn't and the BPAS comments above show that the mask is slipping.
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