Thursday, 22 September 2011

Brand new blog...Same old author

I thought it was about time to start blogging again having lost my way a little bit with the old blog. However with this fresh start comes a change of titles, no longer can I claim to be a confessing student worker, having left the post in August and lets be honest who wants to read the confessions of an unemployed man...watched Jeremy Kyle and then Judge Judy.

So without further ado I bring to you 8:36 blog. Now the question you may be wondering is why 8:36? 8:36 is one of my favourite verses in the bible and it comes from the gospel of Mark. We read in Mark 8:36 "For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forefit his life?" Jesus teaching here comes in a long section where Jesus is teaching his disciples what it will mean for them to follow him. They must pick up their cross, sacrifice their lives, be ready to die and follow him. A man carrying a cross was a man who was only going to one place and that was his death.

Jesus tells his disciples that following him will not be easy, it will not a cructh for those who need help in life, it wont be something that makes their lives more comfortable but it is something which would not disappoint. Then comes this verse 8:36 whats the point in gaining the whole world, in having all the stuff in the world, in having the latest iPad's and the latest clothes, and yet giving up your life?

In our world our thinking has been skewered by the consumerism of the age, you want to be need product A drink B and gadget C, when you get those things then you will be happy. Jesus says no wont work, it may work now but at the end of time when he returns as King to judge the world it may be that you have gained the world in this life but forefited your life in the world to come.

Hopefully this blog will be a bit more wide ranging than my last blog was or ever sought to be.
Soli Deo Gloria

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