Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Saving Our Giants

Whilst reading the paper today in a post exam haze, the Independent seeing as you asked, I came across two stories which immediately captured my attention.

The first concerns the Independent's Christmas appeal this year which focuses on the very worthy cause of protecting the Elephants in the wild. They are being hunted almost to the point of extinction by men bent on getting their ivory for the world markets. This they cry is an outrage which cannot be allowed to go on...

But is it? This is the same newspaper which at every turn chooses to push an agenda of evolution over intelligent design. Pushing this argument to it's natural limit, and over simplifying which I am aware I am doing but for effect, there is no reason to save the elephant. They have not kept pace with the evolutionary developments of man and they are therefore fair game. This same argument could be applied to any animal in the world which is endangered. If evolution is true and correct, then this process is unstoppable and the elephant will either evolve to deal with the threat which man poses or else they will die off either way it doesn't matter.

The rub is that it does matter though, the rub is that we know as human beings we shouldn't be treating these majestic, lovely, soft creatures in this way and we feel responsible for it. Our conscience cannot allow us to simply wipe a species of animal off the face of the earth. Do I believe that we should save the elephant? Absolutely. Do I believe that what is happening to them is unacceptable? Absolutely but not just because it is unfair and unjust but because these are wonderful creatures given to us by God, created by Him.

The second story which caught my eye was the front page story, a science story, which is not something I normally get too caught up with but this one did intrigue me. Apparently a new study has been conducted which proves why men and women think and act differently because their brains are wired differently. In men the connections tend to run from north to south of the brain whereas women's brains tend to make connections from east to the west. This again is presented as an effect of evolution. But the author of the study had this very telling comment to make:

“It's quite striking how complementary the brains of women and men really are,” said Rubin Gur of Pennsylvania University, a co-author of the study.

The brains of men and women have been designed in such a way as to make them complementary, this is exactly what we are told about in the book of Genesis, all the animals are brought before Adam and there is found no helper suitable for him amongst all the animals and so God decides to make a helper suitable for him from him. God designed men and women to be complimentarian, they are designed to work together. Now either Moses had access to the latest scientific research years ahead of his time or else there is an intelligent designer behind the creation of these men and women.

For more information on the Independent Christmas appeal or to donate please visit:

Or to read the second story in full:

Friday, 4 October 2013

Question Time

I have recently been learning the Westminster Shorter Catechism as part of my training for the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, and the first two questions struck me as very apt for the modern church:
1. What is man's chief end?
A: Man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever.

This is our primary purpose in life, to glorify God, to give him of our best, to give him of our time and talents and energy. To focus our attention on Him and living to please Him. Now of course this goes against what our modern society says, our modern society lives for ourselves, for what we want to do. If it feels good then we should do it, well not according to the catechism, if it is glorifying to God then we should do it, if it pleases him then we should do it.

Now at this point some may raise an objection, this sounds like a very dull life, a life where we cannot do what we please, but notice the outcome of glorifying God that we enjoy him forever. This is not a boring dull life, this is a life lived in its fullest, a life lived in joy.

2. What is the only authority for glorifying and enjoying Him?
A: The only authority for glorifying and enjoying him is the bible, which is the Word of God and consists of the Old and New Testaments.

How do we enjoy God? How do we live a life that is glorifying to Him? Well the Bible tells us how to live a life like this. This means that whatever we are doing that is not in line with the Bible, that doesn't match up with what scripture teaches is not glorifying to God and is not helping us to fulfil our primary purpose in life. Of course many in the church today wish to rubbish this claim, they say the Bible is a book written by men and not the word of God. However this is the classic faith handed down to us by the men who have gone before us. If you wish to dispute the claims of the Bible, go ahead please do so by all means, but you cannot seriously claim to be following on in the footsteps of those who have gone before. You are the one who is taking yourself out of the historic faith of Christianity.

This is what makes the situation in the Church of Scotland so sad, the Westminster standards are their subordinate standards to the bible, yet they find themselves breaking them and why? So that they can appear liberal, inclusive and welcoming to all. Now of course we should be welcoming to all but this shouldn't mean that we set aside any standards and have free reign. The only authority to fulfil our Divine purpose in this life is the Bible, the Old and New Testament, the Word of God. Sadly many of us have forgotten this truth today and have made social acceptance, popularity or culture the only authority for glorifying and enjoying God, but these will ultimately be found wanting.